MSc Oxford University, PhD Cambridge University
MSc Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Jonathan was educated in the United Kingdom and Belgium, where he obtained a number of Psychology and Science degrees since the 1990's.
Unlike many mental health professionals, Jonathan also personally worked for many years in large corporations, moving as an expat across many different parts of the world. So he understands the personal, family and professional challenges associated with moving places - both within and outside of the workplace.
Jonathan has been teaching Psychology at University for a number of years, and regularly works as a systemic therapist in hospital in Brussels. He also regularly works at CHS (Community Help Service), a non-profit organisation established in 1971 as a resource for the English-speaking expatriate population of Belgium.
Jonathan has worked and trained, under regular supervision, in outpatient clinics specialised for adults and teenagers with serious mental conditions. During his training as a neuropsychologist, he has also been working in schools, helping many children and adolescents with various psychological conditions and difficulties.
Over the years, Jonathan has completed a personal psychoanalysis, and follows (as well as gives) regular supervisions and training in systemic therapy & family therapy to better help those who seek his help.
Jonathan is registered with the 'Commission of Psychologists' and the 'Union Professionnelle des Psychologues Cliniciens' in Belgium, which enables partial reimbursement from most health insurers including those covering European institutions. He is also a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

Each person and each story is unique. I listen to your needs, and work with a variety of proven techniques designed to better understand yourself - and therefore better help you cope with your issues, fears and anxiety about past, present and future.